Saturday, April 19, 2014


Twitter Trending Topic World Wide

[19 April 2014 | 15:09]
Oke, gua ngeliat ada trend yang menarik di twitter, tumben banget yahh
Biasanya mah trend di twitter terutama di TTI isinya begini
"Aly sedot abu kelud"
"JKT48 Bubar"
"Hagi sedot bla bla bla"

oke, itu TTI Indonesia yang hancur karena ulah oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang dengan sengaja membajak akun twitter orang lain, demi TTI

Jadi gua mau ngepost #100ThingsToDoBeforeIDie di sini karena gua enggak mau menuhin TL lagi, apalagi ada 100 hmm... kalo gua post disini, berarti gua bisa menghemat dari 100 tweet jadi 1 tweet, MERDEKA!!! (?)

Eniwei kebanyakan gua bakal tulis ini dalam bahasa Inggris biar keren
Tapi kalo salah mah sori aja, tapi bodo amat sih, lo pada ngerti juga hahahaha *ditabok*
Jadi gua mulai aja deh #100ThingsToDoBeforeIDie

#1 Buy a piano
#2 Conducted an orchestra
#3 Compose a symphony
#4 Win a piano competition
#5 Singing with someone you love
#6 Travel around your country
#7 Travel around the seas
#8 Hiking on ( or in ? ) Mt. Everest
#9 Seeing Blood Moon ( Arrrghh! I missed one )
#10 Meet my favorite artist ( Taylor Swift and Maddi Jane )
--- note that my favorite artist is not Mozart LoL
#11 Singing with my favorite artist
#12 Fly to the moon
#13 Skydiving
#14 Travel to Europe
#15 Sleeping inside the igloo
#16 Invent something new (especially the technology)
#17 Tea time with old friends
#18 Seeing seven wonders of the world
#19 Buy a mansion
#20 Have a verified twitter account
#21 Meet the pope ( Pope Francis )
#22 Have a mass in St. Peter Basilica
#23 Having a google glass LoL
#24 Travel in Israel
#25 Complete reading the Bible (this is awesome!)
#26 "Conducted" a choir during mass
#27 ( #26 ) especially during mass in St. Peter Basilica (Wow!)
#28 Singing with famous choir ( example : Kings College Choir )
#29 Being rich
#30 ( #29 ) and donate it to poor people
#31 ( #29 ) and buy a hospital or orphanage
#32 ( #29 ) build a church
#33 Buy an original your favorite artist's CD
#34 Live in the forest
#35 Having a lucid dream ( Try it! It's very awesome like "The Matrix" film )
#36 Explore the deep sea
#37 Pass the class perfectly ( like all subject in semester got 100 point )
#38 Being the "Champion one" in the school
#39 Eat all traditional food around the world
#40 Meet someone that already dead (Impossible!)
#41 Name a star
#42 Write something with good "font"
#43 Having my own forest garden
#44 ( #42 ) and harvest my own fruits from that garden
#45 Having life like harvest moon
#46 Being an actor
#47 Typing something without typo for a year
#48 Being happy for 24 hours
#49 Having dinner with my friends
#50 Mastered in one of more games
#51 ( #50 ) Proud about it in front of my friends
#52 Smile in front of my enemies and watch their reactions
#53 Laugh out loud with all my classmates
#54 ( #53 ) Laugh with my teacher too
#55 Troll my teacher(s) and make him/her/them laugh!
#56 Speak in much languages properly
#57 Have a pet like cat, or something ( I am afraid of dog! ) LoL
#58 Have a calm life
#59 Make my own movie
#60 ( #59 ) especially based my own life story
#61 ( #59 ) or based my friend's story
#62 Make an "accidental" event/party in my class
#63 ( #62 ) or in my school
#64 Typing with style
#65 Have a "drum-band" in my class with friends with table in my class (LoL!)
#66 Being a street-singer
#67 ( #66 ) and singing in your school, especially with my friends and teacher
#68 ( #66 ) or singing with my girlfriend / crush LoL
#69 Being respected by my teacher
#70 Being an activist ( or politicians LoL )
#71 Being mastered on chess ( I'm poor at chess LoL )
#72 Being a hero ( you'll never be a superhero LoL )
#73 Having much friends
#74 Being famous on YouTube
#75 Being famous on SoundCloud
#76 Seeing a Wikipedia article about you
#77 Being happy as happy as child
#78 Go to the White-house
#79 Singing an opera song
#80 Fly with artificial wings

#81 Go to somewhere with someone you love
#82 Buying a gift for someone you love
#83 Positive thinking everyday
#84 Have a very bad and very good mood in one hour ( Life is never flat, right? )
#85 Repeat ( #84 ) for a day , It's very awesome LoL
#86 "Brain-washing" friends like singing a sad song to make them sad LoL
#87 Knows every meaning of "song lyrics" ( my favorite song of course )
#88 Knows every meaning of tone in every song ( my favorite song of course )
#89 Spare a moment to talk about Jesus ( Note that I'm not Jehovah witness LoL )
#90 Being fat ( because I'm very skinny, nearly anorexic LoL )

91 - 100 Simple but this is the best!
#91 Make my parents proud of me
#92 Make my parents happy
#93 Confess my love to her by singing and play piano
#94 Don't worry about everything ( Matthew 6:34 )
#95 Don't hate anyone, love everyone
#96 Happy when seeing others happy
#97 Giving a gift to her
#98 Worship to God (srsly this is the best! )
#99 Seeing her smile
#100 Growing old together

Yea that's all, and sounds "weird" , but I think this is the most important ThingsToDoBeforeIDie:

#101 Being Immortal!!! 

Yea, I think #101 is the most important than 1-100 hmmm LoL , because you can repeat them if you can do #101 :D

Oke sekian #100ThingsToDoBeforeIDie
gua ga nyangka pas bikin ini gua malah asik2kan maen Pocket Mine, jadi baru selesai jem 19:27 hehehe
Pas gua cek juga udah enggak ada di TTWW hmm
Oke deh segini aja postnya gua gamau banyak banyak ( padahal udah banyak )

Salam tidak sejahtera

Tangerang, 19 April 2014

Carvin Wirama
Orang Ganteng

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